CALL FOR ABSTRACTS...has now ended

What is your idea for a great session at the conference?

New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling, NYSAR3 is inviting the Sustainable Materials Management community to submit an abstract for a full session at the hybrid in-person and virtual Annual Conference taking place November 19-21 in Cooperstown, NY. This year's theme is "Climate". All session formats are accepted, including panels, round tables, training or break-out sessions- the more creative the better! Topics can range from Reduction, Reuse, Recycling, Organics Recycling, End Markets, New Technologies, State or Federal Policies, or more. Sessions that have a climate focus will be given special preference.


Interested?  Here's a few guidelines to keep in mind and how you can submit an Abstract: 

  • Session should be between 1-2 hours in length
  • Please note if your session is PE credit eligible
  • Each submission should include:
    • Session Title
    • Description of your idea
    • The Moderator name
    • Speaker's name, title, affiliation and bio
    • In-person speakers are preferred, however virtual speakers will be allowed on a case by case basis.
    • Submissions will be accepted until April 26th
  • Submit your completed Abstract to


How it Works: 

  • Abstracts will be reviewed by a NYSAR3 committee
  • Selected and not selected submissions will be advised
  • Selected abstracts will remain in continuous communication with the Conference Planning Committee to unite your presentation into the conference agenda 
  • Logistics will be reviewed
  • Presentations (preferably Powerpoint) will be requested well in advance of the conference to allow organizers time to put it altogether.  We ask that you please be considerate of this time-frame and plan accordingly.  
  • Speakers will receive an email inviting them to register through the Award-winning conference platform, WHOVA, that we have had great success with in past years.  This app will keep you up-to-date with events, changes and allow you the opportunity to network with your peers before, during and after the conference.
  • Selected Abstract Speakers will receive discounted day of Registration for the day of their presentation.  We invite all Speakers to join us for the full 3-days, or maybe you can just make two, and ask that you contact Lori Whittington ( to make these longer registration arrangements.   
  • If needed, please see our Conference webpage for making your own hotel arrangements


What's next?  The Abstract submission period has now ended.  Thank you! 


We look forward to seeing what you have been working on and appreciate you giving us this opportunity to share it with other professionals in NY and beyond!