Media Tool Kit

Looking for ways to particpate in this campaign?  We've developed a set of documents designed to help you bring the issue of textile recovery to the forefront in your community.  The media advisory and news releases are formatted as templates so that you can easily fill in your own information.

1. Media Advisory

2. News Release - Event Summary

3. News Release - All Purpose (no special event)

4. Talking Points

5. Fact Sheet

6. Letter to the Editor

7. Common Practices

8. Media Placement Tipsheet

9. Radio PSA

10. Guidance for Recycling Coordinators

11. Re-Clothe NY Logo

12. Webinar: Telling the Story of Textile Recycling in Your Community

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/TextileRecoveryV2.png
A partnership between

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/ctr-logo.jpg

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/SMARTSHORTR.jpg

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/logos/Clearer - NYSAR3 Logo.png