What Happens to Donated Clothes and Textiles

This infographic developed by Center for Textile Recycling allows you to see just what happens after you drop your clothing or textiles in a donation bin.  Click on the image to enlarge it!

 Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/CTR lifecycle of secondhand clothing.png


Or, here is another creative infographic from SMART (Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles)

Lifecycle of Second Hand Clothing



Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/TextileRecoveryV2.png
A partnership between

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/ctr-logo.jpg

Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/Organics Summit/nysar3_logo_no_words copy.png


Uploaded Image: /vs-uploads/textile_recovery_working_group/SMARTSHORTR.jpg