Grant for NYS Colleges, Universities and Trade Schools

College Council Grant+ Program 

Each year, NYSAR3's College Council grants, supported by the New York State Pollution Prevention Institute (NYSP2I), are offered to New York State universities, colleges and trade schools who are members of the College Council.  This year, NYSAR3 and NYSP2I are pleased to offer up to $10,000 for projects focused on source reduction, reuse or recycling.  Each member institution is eligible to apply for project funding up to $5,000.   Project proposals that can creatively incorporate pollution prevention along with reduction, reuse or recycling, will be given preference during evaluation.  The College Council reviews all applications through a competitive application process designed to provide a limited number of awards to New York State universities, colleges and trade schools.  We wish you well on your submission and are eager to review what you have put together for us. 


2024-2025 Grant Application period is now closed.    




New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling Announces

Two Grant Recipient's for 2023-2024

This year, NYSAR3's College Council received an impressive variety of applications from across New York State!  The Council wishes to thank all its applicants for the well-organized and diversified applications received this year - well done!  We strongly encourage those not selected this round to re-apply next year.    

The 2023 College Council Grant winners are; 

NYSP2I awarded Barnard College for their project, “R&D Science Center Renovation Circularity: Furniture Source Reduction and Reuse Initiative” and NYSAR3 funded Colgate University for their project “Colgate University Community Garden Compost Program Vehicle”. 

  • Barnard College:  “R&D Science Center Renovation Circularity: Furniture Source Reduction and Reuse Initiative”

Their Circular Campus framework is using the NYSP2I funding to implement a project that falls under their “Design, Construction, and Deconstruction” and “Reuse and Sustainable Purchasing” headings. The College is in the process of design development for the full renovation of the Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Center (RDSC). They are identifying and quantifying materials, furnishings, finishes, and other items currently in the RDSC that can be inventoried and reclaimed for use in the renovation, building, or for other purposes, with the goal of maximizing reuse minimizing landfill, and quantifying emissions, savings, and waste reductions. Barnard will utilize the funds to staff students who will inventory all of the items for the purpose of maximizing our reuse of these items.

"Barnard's upcoming renovation of the R&D Science Center will greatly reduce campus-wide operational carbon through electrification, and will reuse over 80% of the existing structure of the building, saving more than 50% of the embodied carbon from new construction. But we're not stopping there! With the support of the NYSP2I grant, we'll inventory, reuse, rehome, and share as much of the furniture and other assets inside the building as we can, via our internal reuse platform, Rheaply,” said Sandra Goldmark, Director, Campus Sustainability and Climate Action, Barnard College.


  • Colgate University’s Office of Sustainability: Community Garden Project   

NYSAR3 funds will help offset the cost of an electric golf cart to deliver food scraps to the compost area. The electric golf cart will be used to collect compost at the university-owned student housing to divert the pre-and post-consumer food scraps to their community garden composted center. This cart is also a more sustainable alternative to any gas-powered vehicle option. The garden currently boasts a small compost demonstration area as well as its larger, active compost pile. All compost, once fully developed, is worked into the grown beds at the garden to help with soil health that benefits the plants that are grown. The main mission of the garden is to educate both Colgate University students and Hamilton community members about small-scale, organic agriculture practices. Half of all of the produce grown at the garden is donated to the local Hamilton Food Cupboard, while the other half is sold to students and multiple campus partners via a weekly farm stand or direct delivery.

"The Colgate Community Garden team is thrilled to have been chosen as a recipient for 
the NYSAR3 College Council grant this year. This generous funding will allow us to 
expand our compost program while engaging more students in pursuit of our waste 
management and organic recycling goals“, said Beth Roy, Colgate Community Garden 

The College Council is a program of the New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling and is designed to provide a forum for college students, staff and faculty to share information about common challenges and best practices related to recycling, waste prevention, and other environmental issues. The Council is a membership-based program offering a number of members-only benefits, including its own listserv, an electronic newsletter, regional and statewide workshops, discounted memberships and conference registration fees. To join the College Council please sign up here: Register and learn more, Why Join


Previously Awarded Grants

Wells College