Join the I Compost NYC Mapping Project

Calling all New Yorkers to sign-up and add their name to the tens of thousands of people standing up for curbside composting in New York City!

Due to NYC’s budget cuts, our organics curbside recycling program has officially been put on hold until 2021. It has become more challenging than ever to find accessible and efficient ways to compost the items we use every day. That means tons of materials that could be made into useful and natural resources are, instead, being sent into landfills, where they’ll add to pollution, contribute to the destruction of ecosystems, and make the effects of climate change all the more apparent.

We know that composting plays an enormous role in the reduce, reuse, and recycle model. Because we have one of the largest curbside organics pick-up programs in the world, this is a crisis for the city of New York and for the global community at large. So what can we do about it?

With the help of our incredibly talented summer interns from #cuny #johnjaycollege, we were able to develop our first geo mapping project, I Compost NYC! It was designed to show those in power that responsibly disposing of our waste matters to the people of New York. That’s why we created a map of the city with information on how its citizens reduce, reuse, and recycle organics in their daily lives, and how they’re always striving to do more. Our goal is to showcase the composting behavioral trends by age, boroughs, and access to resources and information, to create comprehensive data that the city government just can’t ignore.

New Yorker’s care what happens to their trash and we want the government to see that for themselves. Participate now and let’s put food waste back in the earth where it belongs!

Sign-up today for a cleaner tomorrow and add your name to the tens of thousands of people standing up for curbside composting in New York City and for the planet earth, and let’s build a better future together.

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#iCompostNYC #COREActNYC #saveourcompost #committogreen #thegreenlife #ajourneytoacleanerworld #zerowaste